Sunday, January 28, 2007

New Year, Now WHAT?

So, it's to believe. Many people have made their resolutions. Some are relishing the victory of maintaining these goals, while I'm sure some are realizing defeat. Being the goal-oriented, "type A", sometimes driven person that I am, I, too have made these infamous lists, only to realize that I just can't seem to accomplish everything. So, is all truly lost? Not at all. Learning is a part of the journey. If we succeeded in everything, would there exist real growth?
I've found that much of life is a complex paradox. It's in moments of failure that we find the strength to rise again, the strength to attempt to finish one more thing of the list. But is a list the "be all" to our existence? Or is it our purpose? A wiser woman once taught me that in order to succeed, you must have a purpose, or else, all priorities are out of wack.
Once I realize my purpose is in order, it gives my vision focus. My focus? Jesus Christ. If it wasn't for Him, I'd have no reason to get up in the morning, or feel as if I have a place in this story we call "life". It is my personal relationship with the Lord that gives me vision for my life, a vision that has not yet commenced, and one that I can't wait to see it realized in a tangible way one day.
So, some of my goals for 2007 haven't been realized...yet. But, my eyes aren't focused on my problems, but the promises of God. One verse that God has used greatly in my life is the following: "Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly, abundantly all that we ask or imagine according to His purpose in Christ Jesus." (Ephesians 3:20) It is in dying to my dreams that I realize my destiny, and it is in dying to myself that I find real life. I know the only way for 2007 to be a true success is trading my plans for His, and in this, I have already found the key to accomplishing my purpose in 2007. How are you going to accomplish yours this year?

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